Children’s Ministry

Sunday Classes

Sunday School classes are taught for children in Kindergarten through sixth grade during Sunday worship services, providing a safe, positive environment for children to learn about the love of Jesus. 

Each week children are provided with e Bible lesson from the Faith Weavers Curriculum, a snack and an opportunity to engage in interaction games and activities.

Victory Bound Students

Victory Bound Students celebrations take place on the first Friday of each month during the school year.

Children from pre-K through sixth grade learn Bible stories, make crafts and play games while adults enjoy the Praise Inn Service.

Vacation Bible School

2024 Dates!

Tues. 8/6-Thurs. 8/8 from 6:00-7:45pm

Friday Service 8/9 7:30-9:30pm

Each summer, we offer a week long children’s program which includes Bible teaching, worship, crafts, snack, games and a bounce house.

Children’s Ministry Leaders